Lyudmila Anatoliivna Mykolaichuk
Head of the maternity department of the Lviv Perinatal Center
Head of the maternity department of the Lviv Perinatal Center
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category
She started her career in medicine as a junior medical staff and a nurse
worked throughout her studies at the medical institute.
З 1991
She graduated from the Lviv State Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine, specialty "Medicinal
internship at the Lviv Regional Clinical Perinatal Center,
specialization "Obstetrics and gynecology"
Resident doctor of the Lviv Perinatal Center
Lviv National Medical University named after D. Halytskyi. postgraduate faculty
of education, cycle "Organization and management of health care"
Member of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine
Member of the Ukrainian Medical Society
Fluency in languages - Ukrainian, English, Russian, Polish
Life motto - Always move forward!